News & Events

Important Note to Supporters and Friends

With the 20-year anniversary of Susan’s passing approaching on February 19th 2025, we are humbled and thankful for the tremendous support the foundation has seen over the past two decades in honor of Susan’s legacy and for the benefit of the growth of women in the environmental engineering industry. Having established endowments at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and with the Society for Women Engineers, it is with a grateful and solemn heart that the Board of Directors for the Susan E. Stutz McDonald Scholarship Foundation (SESMSF) announce that it is time to close the foundation.

We are extremely grateful for the support of those who have volunteered their time to run the foundation, including ALL past and current board members, Rene Kubicka and her golf tournament support staff who organized and ran the annual golf tournament, all the Carollo Engineers, past and present staff with special thanks to the Walnut Creek, Las Vegas and Phoenix offices and administrative support staff. The 16th (and final) SESMSF annual golf tournament was held on May 3, 2024 at Boundary Oaks Golf Course in Walnut Creek, CA and as usual, was a delight to all those who attended and participated.

We are equally grateful for all the generous donors! Because of your financial assistance, the SESMSF has been able to award 53 scholarships to deserving young women over the past 20 years, including a fully endowed scholarship to include annual tuition at the graduate level for a recipient at Susan’s alma mater, the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK), and also an annual endowed scholarship at the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Both of these endowments are awarded to graduate level female engineering students currently enrolled in Water Waste/ Environmental Engineering and they will continue in perpetuity. The SESMSF has also recently established an endowed Named Room on the Civil Engineering floor of the John D Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 

The SESMSF appreciates your past and future support and encourages all future one-time or recurring donations to be made directly to either of these two SESMSF established Endowments set up to honor Susan's Engineering legacy. Below is the information for how to access them.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK):
Society of Women Engineers (SWE):

Directions: Click on “make a donation” at the bottom of the page and then click on “donate to scholarships endowed by individuals and the general fund.” Under “available funds” click on “select funds”. Then find “Susan E. Stutz McDonald Scholarship” in the drop down.
Susan was a remarkable woman, whose legacy will be honored in perpetuity in an industry in which she made a profound impact. Thank you for all of your love and support these past 20 years - those efforts will continue into the future through the two SESMSF Endowments.

Sally Stutz Baker, President of the SESMSF 

Board Members: Sally Stutz Baker, President, Jackie McDonald Reynolds, Vice President and Treasurer, Jennifer McDonald Clarke-Doane, Secretary, Keli Callahan, Jessica Dresang, Ken Wilkins, and Coral Taylor. 

Founding Board Members Emeritus: Bill Knopf and Walt Bishop 

Founding Board Member: Howard Way (2005-2015). 

Board Members Emeritus: Lydia Holmes, Mary Clyburn, John Puzauskas, and Brianna Barton

The 16th Annual Susan E. Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament

The SESMSF 16th Annual Golf Tournament on May 3, 2024 at Boundary Oaks Golf Course in Walnut Creek, CA was successful and a wonderful time was had by all. Special Thanks go to Rene Kubicka at Carolla Engineers and her crew for making this annual fundraiser possible and also to Ken Wilkins at Carolla Engineers for his guidance and understanding.

2024 winning team

2024 Winning Team Photo
Ira Weiss - Victaulic
Ryan James - Overaa
Matt Gallo - Victaulic
Nathan Barack - Overaa

beautiful northern california morning at the golf course

A Beautiful Northern California Morning.

Kris Wall - B&K Valves & Equipment, Inc.
Cody Robinson - City of Manteca
Dustin Valiquette - City of Manteca
Ryan Sellman - Carollo

15th Annual Susan E. Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament

Our 15th Annual SESMSF Golf Tournament was a huge success. The event was held Friday, May 12, 2023 at Boundary Oak Golf Course in Walnut Creek, CA. Pictures of the event below.

14th Annual Susan E. Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament

Our 14th Annual SESMSF Golf Tournament was a huge success. The event was held Friday, May 10, 2019 at Boundary Oak Golf Course in Walnut Creek, CA. The winning team is pictured below - Congratulations! From left to right – Jamie Pigott, Carollo; Ken Wilkins, Carollo, Director on SESMF BOD; Bill Garney; Garney Construction, Rich Pappas, Garney Construction.

Some of our sponsors have been with us since the 1st event, and we cannot continue this successful event without them. We extend a huge thank you to our sponsors:

Corporate Sponsors

  • Coombs-Hopkins

  • DDW Nicholson Corporation

  • ESA

  • Garney Construction

  • Health Channels

  • H₂O Innovation

  • Misco

  • Overaa

  • Victaulic

  • Walsh Construction

Thanks to all participants – golfers, sponsors, and volunteers - for your sincere continuous generosity in supporting this ongoing yearly tribute to Susan, and the goals and dreams she represented.  Save the date for the 15th Annual Golf Tournament, you can add yourself to the newsletter here to stay in the loop.


The 13th Annual Susan Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament

The 13th Annual Susan E. Stutz-McDonald Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament was a huge success!

The event was held May 11, 2018 at Boundary Oak Golf Course in Walnut Creek, CA. Congratulations go to the winning team!

Winning Team (Left to Right)
Dan Hugaboom - Carollo Boise Office
Julian Inoue - Carollo Walnut Creek Office
Sean Carter - Toray Inudstries
David Farber - H2O Innovations

The 13th Annual Susan Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament 1

Dwight Craig and Mark Humberstone

The 13th Annual Susan Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament 2

Jessica Dresang, Director on the SESMSF BOD

The 13th Annual Susan Stutz-McDonald Golf Tournament 3

Kevin Marshall, David Sixsmith, Keli Callahan, President of SESMSF BOD, and Katy Solem

Article in Tennessee Today

Scholarship Continues Legacy of Groundbreaking Engineering Graduate

March 8, 2016

In 2005, A commitment to the environment led University of Tennessee, Knoxville, engineering graduate Susan E. Stutz-McDonald to a career pursuing ways of making the air, water, and land better for all.

Now, the Susan E. Stutz-McDonald Scholarship Foundation (SESMSF) is celebrating her life and work with a scholarship in her memory in UT’s College of Engineering. Stutz-McDonald died in 2005 after a four-year battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Her colleagues and her sister, Sally Stutz Baker, started the SESMSF in 2005 with the first major endowment being awarded to UT in 2015. The $125,000 endowment will be used to offer an annual award to a deserving female engineering student at the graduate level with a primary focus in environmental or wastewater engineering.

“Susan was orange through and through, even after she left Tennessee to go work in California,” said Baker. “She never lost her connection to Tennessee.”

A native of Chattanooga, Stutz-McDonald graduated from Notre Dame High School in 1972 before coming to UT, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 1976. She then attended Oregon State University on a full scholarship, earning a master’s degree in sanitary and environmental engineering in 1977.

Carollo Engineers in San Francisco hired her after that, at a time when being a woman in the world of engineering came with its own set of challenges. Fewer than 2 percent of engineering graduates were women in 1977, compared to a still low but much improved 20 percent now.

Stutz-McDonald’s expertise as an engineer eventually led to her becoming the first and only female board of directors member in Carollo history, with her experiences and abilities serving as inspiration for others along the way.

“Both by being a trailblazer as a woman in this field and also by using her own capabilities to better prepare, motivate, and shape the careers of women who came after her, she really laid the groundwork for the success of a lot of people,” said Keli Callahan, SESMSF president. “She allowed us to have the careers we have now.

“There are a lot of us grateful for her efforts.”

Lydia Holmes, a member of the SESMSF board since 2006, echoed those sentiments, saying that Stutz-McDonald had served as a valuable mentor for women and men alike at the company; her mentoring method had been one of patience, understanding, and appreciation for the efforts of the engineers at the company, and she had understood that work-life balance was important, especially to those starting families.

Holmes said one reason that Stutz-McDonald connected with young engineers starting families was that she’d choose to move to part-time work while raising her three children in the 1980s, giving her perspective on how difficult it can be to fit family, marriage, and career in one twenty-four-hour day.

So strong was her reputation as a mentor, Holmes said, that Stutz-McDonald felt some sadness when she became a Carollo board member because it meant she would have less opportunity for mentoring.

Retired Carollo CEO Howard Way described Stutz-McDonald as a “genuine, and a very impressive engineer and person.”

Her career seemed poised for even greater heights before cancer took its toll, with the company grooming her to be the next CEO.

It was at a Christmas party barely a year before her death that her sister truly realized the impact Stutz-McDonald had.

“There she was in formal attire, bald and with a wig on, as beautiful as ever, greeting and smiling as if nothing was different,” said Baker. “After finding out I was her sister, everyone came up to me all night long explaining and professing how wonderful she was at work, from the secretarial staff to the newest engineers, female and male alike.

“It was during this party of about 150 employees and their dates that I came to realize what an effect she had made.”

David Goddard (865-974-0683,